
Breaking Down: Brad Holt

THT 作家 Alex Eisenberg 發表了一篇文章,裡面討論了 Bryan Price (48,Boston) 和 Holt (33) 的異同。說老實話,我才懶得鳥紅襪的新秀投球機制怎麼樣,但這文章有個重點,Eisenberg 讓我第一次欣賞到 Holt 的投球動作。

如果有稍微在追小聯盟近況的人,應該不會對 Holt 陌生,在 14 場先發中,他繳出 5-3,1.87 ERA 的成績。重點是,他 72.1 局投出 96 K,K% 是 33%,也就是說,每三個人就有一個要被三振。



And here we are...

OK... So I (finally) get an article converted.  From now on things should be easier — I hope.  I just redirected the old webhop to this site, and I'll start editing profiles to fit this new site.

And I'll try converting all other worth-reading articles... And try to stay this thing updated.

This would be all.

Not as well as I wish it would go...

Had been keen to get my articles from the old site, but it seems just a tad too much for an offline editor to handle...

I'll drop ecto now, and hopefully something like Qumana will do the editing tricks I'm hoping for. As the title says though, it's not as well as I would like it to go, and the conversion might take another while... Just hope it won't be that long.

Just blog online? I hope that'll be an option... But Safari just don't cooperate well now... Darn.


A New Start

New post!

After all it's just a matter of time for anyone to switch if a blog is without comment function... Well maybe we'll see if Apple is kind enough to open the comment function for non-MobileMe blogger.

Anyway, let's not spoil the joy.  Just a post to test the new Wordpress, the domain, and the theme.  I still like iWeb themes a lot, so will be looking forward to learning how to make my own theme.

That's it I guess.  Still need to finish what needs to be done before the vacation.  Wish me luck then.